Friday, November 20, 2009


 Hijab - a proper understanding

Sumber:  farihinfong.blogspot
To learn about the hijab and understand properly its imports would indicate almost all malaysian women are no longer proper muslims nor do they understand what it means to cover up.

Glance all around KL and one would find the common muslim women wearing a body-hugging shirt and jeans, attired by the 'tudung' signalling their belonging to a seemingly 'Islamic' body of believers. Little do they take the time to understand what Allah and his Rasul has ordered regarding the Hijab. Do they not question the wearing of the 'tudung' when the shapes of the bodies are visible? What's the purpose of covering the head and then wear see-through clothes, and short-sleeves shirts? Isn't the uncovered hands part of their awrah? But they leave that exposed and cover their heads? Without proper learning, we'll soon see the day when some muslimah might wear a bikini and then wear a 'tudung', auzubillah. But what can you expect from a people who are 'led' mostly by ignorant artists and pomp?

Hijaab is an Arabic word that describes the Muslim woman's entire dress code, which includes a veil and whatever else is needed to cover everything except the face and hands. It is adopted at puberty - an age when, according to Islam, people become accountable for their actions.

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